A number is never just a number: Child-care costs vs. university tuition
Tuesday, August 5, 2014$11,100 Average annual cost of child care for a toddler in Ontario in 2012. Compare that to the $7,180 average cost of university tuition fees in Ontario in 2012/13. (Source and...
View ArticleStudy: Provinces pursuing two-tier tuition fee policies
Study: Provinces pursuing two-tier tuition fee policies The study looks at trends in tuition and compulsory fees in Canada since 1993, projects fees for each province for the next four years, and ranks...
View ArticleA degree is the new high school diploma. But who can afford it?
It's accepted wisdom that an undergraduate degree is the new high school diploma -- it's the ticket into the workforce.But that ticket comes at an unrelentingly steep price: average tuition and fees in...
View ArticleStudents demand action on student debt and youth unemployment
Thursday, November 20, 2014 The Canadian Federation of Students say that politicians are willing to pay lip service to student issues, but offer little more than that. Students are taking to the Hill...
View ArticleDegrees of separation: Canada's CEOs call for cuts to university enrolment
The shaky economy seems to have prompted Canada's CEOs to pontificate on what steps should be -- nay, must be -- taken to solve our economic woes as a nation. Case in point: on Monday, the Canadian...
View ArticleWatch: Two generations of students talk about debt, scarcity and the future
Is this show currently playing? April 14, 2015 British Columbia can invest in post-secondary education -- but won't. How does that affect the students? YouTubeBritish Columbia can invest in...
View ArticleWhy is Nova Scotia making it harder to keep the graduates it needs?
rabble.ca is reader-supported journalism! Like this article? Chip in to keep stories like these coming. The Halifax Partnership, the community economic development organization set up to -- ta-da! --...
View ArticleGreen Party's free tuition promise should include fair pay for contract...
Please support our coverage of democratic movements and become a supporter of rabble.ca.It's been a busy end to summer. My eldest daughter, Keira, returned home from tree planting on August 30. She had...
View ArticleEducation is a right and shouldn't be a burden
Education is a right and shouldn't be a burden The average tuition and other fees for Canadian undergraduates have tripled between the academic years 1993/94 and 2015/16.
View ArticleFact check: The Liberals' band-aid fix for student aid will help some...
Want to see an election campaign fact rich and spin poor? Chip in to keep our fact check blog up to date.The claim: The Liberals will help post-secondary education students by expanding student aidread...
View ArticleWill the Liberals' increase to student aid fix the student debt crisis?
The Liberals claim they will help post-secondary education students by expanding student aid. But is that true?Fact check: The Liberals' band-aid fix for student aid will help some students, not all
View ArticleWhy don't adults understand that student protests are serious matters?
Friday, November 13, 2015Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. Chip in to keep stories like these coming. Recent student protests from South Africa to Quebec to Missouri should not...
View ArticleEliminating tuition and compulsory fees for post-secondary education
Eliminating tuition and compulsory fees for post-secondary education A new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) outlines a clear path towards accessible post-secondary...
View ArticleOntario Liberal promise of free tuition could usher in long-held dream of...
Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. Chip in to keep stories like these coming.The Ontario Liberal promise to make post-secondary education free for low-income students in 2017 has...
View ArticleTiering up over tuition fees
This fall, tuition fees in Canada are set to increase by 2.8 per cent to a weighted average of $6,373. That's a smaller increase than in previous years, but (as always) averages can mask some important...
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